NaijaTube App

Nigeria news in videos. NaijaTube is a platform for videos from Nigeria. Get your NaijaTube app for iPhone and iPad. We cover many interesting categories. It is easy to submit your own videos via a link, an embedded video or from your computer or phone.

See what Nigerians and others are watching in Nollywood movies, music, entertainment, news, politics and much more. Explore the hottest videos on NaijaTube with our Most Viewed tab. Create your own channel and share your videos with friends. Edit and upload videos, and watch on any device of your choice.

With our excellent design, you can have fun exploring videos that you love more easily and faster. All you have to do is type in the search box at the top and hit enter. You can also browse the videos by categories. We feature videos that we know you would love at the top. You can express yourself in comments on your favourite videos and share them to other social media.

You can edit and upload videos from your computer, however you are required to login in order to submit videos.

With the official NaijaTube app you can enjoy your favourite videos including Nollywood movies, entertainment videos and music for free.

- Turn off the light so that you can focus on the video that you are watching. Just click the button “Turn off light” and it is done!
- See the latest videos from creators
- Discover Nigeria’s hottest videos on the Most Viewed tab. You can also see the number of views.
- Look up videos that you’ve uploaded on your Channels tab after you are logged in.
- Sort videos by number of Likes, Views, or Comments and Date

- Videos on NaijaTube can be shared across other social media platforms
- You can let people know how you feel with likes, comments or shares
- Edit and upload your own videos all from inside the app.


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